Grain and Seed Brokers has grown out of our passion for seed, plants and soil biology.
Our mission is to encourage the use of seeds, plants and soil biology to increase soil health fertility and restore natural balances within the soil.
Equipped with extensive knowledge accumulated after spending 80+ years directly involved in the seed industry or associated agricultural enterprises.
We offer independent advice regarding the supply of seeds, and crops, the use of plants to develop soil structure, and biological amendments to increase and restore diverse soil biology to enhance production.
The Crew.
Craig Smith
Multi species specialist.
After 30+ year's in the Grain & Seed industry, I have seen the need to change the way we farm to a more regenerative style to boost proactivity, that is both better for the land but won't cost the earth.
Elizabeth Smith
Qualified Soil Biologist.
I have a passion for the soil and teaching. From getting an Ag Sci Degree from Lincoln University, Spent many years bringing up 5 Children. I have now has retrained as a high school teacher as well as studying through the Dr Elaine's Soil Food Web. To become a qualified soil biologist.
Contact Us Today.
Contact us
Phone: 022 464 2243