Remember, we are trying to turn bacterial dominant soil into productive alive soils with a balance of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes, to work for us and benefit plants and production. The agroecosystem practices and tools that follow the introduction of beneficial microbes will be highly variable by context. This is why each person in charge of soil must first take on a radical responsibility to be an observer, experimenter, and decision-maker for their own land. We can only really communicate principles, data, cases, etc, but there will always be a need for local and contextual adaptation.

- Improved seed germination.
- Improved seedling growth.
- Improved root growth.
- Improved fungi in the soil.
- Increases soil microbial activity.
- Produces strong healthy seedlings less vulnerable to insect pressure.
Note: It is recommended that synthetic fertilisers or agricultural chemicals are not used with the Bio-SMART Seed Treatment biology enhanced seed treatment as it mayreduce the benefits from the seed treatment.
"Weed control was easy as the crop flew out of the ground and we gained
canopy closure very quickly."
Greg Low, Dairy Farmer, Hinds

Untreated Seed VS Treated Seed
We're here to help.
Contact Bio-Smart Today.
Phone: 022 464 2243
Email: info@biosmart.nz
Our location
209A Hilton Highway, Washdyke, Timaru